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My Roots Were Deeply Rooted by the Right Brook | God Morning #14

God morning my brothers and sisters, 


Celebrating 60 Years this whole week, WOW!!! Here is hoping you all are doing well and that your week was tremendous. 


This past week, I turned 60, and while it doesn't feel different, I'm incredibly excited about the future! Reflecting on my journey, each decade has brought unique opportunities, blessings, and challenges.  


Life was not always easy but then again, it never was really meant to be easy.  In my 20s, I was aimlessly trying to find myself and my passion.  Trying to find significance and dating to find my eventual bride.  By my late 20s, I had moved to California to expand my horizons and finding myself moving back to the Midwest after getting burned out of a life that was fun but temporary.  In my 30s, I found my bride in Monica and life was all about balancing marriage, family, faith, and finances. I worked up to five jobs at one time just to provide for my family. The 40s were marked by being well established in my career, 200-250 flights a year while trying to balance time with family, friends and faith. My 50s brought career changes and the challenge of starting my own business, navigating the shifts in the market and embracing life as an empty nester.  Now, as I enter my 60s, I'm eager to balance my five well-beings: Spiritual, Relational, Physical, Vocational, and Philanthropical. This is the decade that I desire to be a blessing to many, as I share the blessings I have been given.  


Through it all…the challenges, the hardships, the wins, the blessings, I can only give the credit to one, my roots have been deeply rooted by the right flow of running water, which is my Lord.  I can honestly say, that even in those times that I walked away from Him, he was always there.  He had me all along, and I am so grateful.  This now reminds me of our Friday Fly-by word, and it is from Jeremiah 17:7-8 and it says…"But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit." Incredible words to remember. So, take comfort in knowing that no matter your age, God has a plan for you to flourish and bear fruit. Embrace every stage of life with gratitude and faith. 


I hope this has brightened your day today and as always, love you all. Be blessed and go be a blessing! 


For more information or to inquire about our holistic coaching services, reach out to:

J.A. Dava, Co-founder, Sr. Coach at 614-638-9397, or

Paul Waldrop, Co-founder, Sr. Coach at 404-784-3771.


© 2024 Latreia Coaching & Consulting LLC.

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