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Extremes | God Morning #5

Updated: Aug 11, 2024

God Morning my brothers and sisters…what an incredible week it has been, both incredibly challenging and exciting.  Did you have both and more?  Mine seemed to be on both extremes, but I do know that I do like it that way.  It keeps me moving.  How has your week gone?   


Every Thursday morning, I have the great pleasure of getting together with 2 very influential people in my life, they are both friends, mentors and Brothers in faith.  This week, when we started praying, Paul, who was leading the prayer said these words…'It's your purpose Lord but our blessing!'  That hit me that there's this idea: even though we think we're in charge of our own paths, life has a way of throwing in its own twists and turns. We've got our plans and our goals, and we do our best to stick to them. But then life surprises us with good stuff we didn't see coming, challenges we beat, and new strength we find in ourselves. It's kind of like life's way of dropping hints that there's something bigger out there giving us a little nudge now and then. 


It had reminded me of certain situations in life, like the time I was so bothered by a delayed flight that eventually got cancelled and I had to transfer to a much later flight.  I was so perturbed by it that it caused me undue stress and even anxiousness.  'Why me and why now?' I was in my own pity party!  Have you been there before?  I just wanted to get home.  It was due to weather they say, but eventually I was humbled by what happened on my flight. 


I was finally heading home in my flight still carrying on with my Pity Party and all of a sudden, we hit really rough turbulence, the type that had everyone gasping and worried.  Well, it just so happened that I was reading my bible at that time when it started to hit and because of it, the lady sitting next to her son leaned over and said, 'pray for us too!'  Surprised me but how I love that type of divine appointment.  So, I said, let's do it.  It wasn't any long prayer, but it was a quick prayer.  Soon that turbulence settled, and we proceeded to talk about the bible and her saying, I need to get back to the word.  At the end of the flight, she and her son said, thanks for praying for us too.   


WOW, I still remember feeling humbled by those words…I love when God uses me in those divine appointments…I don't know what ever happened to them, but I have a feeling I will see them again someday in eternity.  That story wasn't just about how God used me to talk to strangers, but about His purpose, God clearly chose to tell me, it isn't necessarily about you but My will.  That delayed and cancelled flight, transferring to another flight was to love on two people and be a comfort to them at that moment but it was also for me to learn that I am here for His purpose not mine.  Humbling as it was, I got home and felt the immense gratitude that I get to fly around and have a home and family to get home to.  The blessings that He has given me.   


My business partners prayer and this story led me to think of our Friday fly-by word that comes from Proverbs 19:21, and it says, 'Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.'  Incredible words.  The next time you are inconvenienced, stop, look around and find the reason as to why…be aware that there is reason that might be a message for you, but also to be there for others.   


I hope this was an encouraging word for you today.  I love you all and as always, be Blessed and go be a Blessing. 


For more information or to inquire about our holistic coaching services, reach out to:

J.A. Dava, Co-founder, Sr. Coach at 614-638-9397, or

Paul Waldrop, Co-founder, Sr. Coach at 404-784-3771.


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